Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Feliz Cumpleanos!!!!!

The Big 2-8.

Facebook is wonderful for many reasons – keeping in touch with friends, finding those you once thought were long lost and so on. However, in certain circumstances, it can also be a stark reminder of just how old you’re becoming and how fast the years actually DO fly by. Just the other day for example, I was once again reminded of my increasing age when I received a Facebook message to ‘confirm your attendance for the Campbell Collegiate Class of ’98 10 year High School Reunion’. Now, I could sit here and freak out or adhere to the advice of one friend who advised me on approaching the age of 30 that ’30 s the new 20’ or listen to another friend who likes to point out that ‘you’re 18 with 10 years of experience’. Since both of these options are superior to losing my marbles, I’m choosing to follow both pieces of advice and see where they take me.

As it turns out my roommate, Kiki, celebrates her birthday 1 day prior to mine on the 14th of February. Due to this rather convenient circumstance, we decided to throw a joint birthday party at our house last Thursday. The party turned out really well as most of our Gringo (foreign) friends, some local friends, and even some co-workers showed up to assist in the celebration. The party included snacks, a kitchen that turned into the dance floor and some unexpected, but very welcome live music performed by our friend John. Thanks to everyone for coming.

Work has been humming along quite smoothly and has been picking up once again. On the MiCredito side of the business I’ve been helping Veronica prepare financial statements and grant proposals for the past couple of months. One, very interesting, project we’ve been working on revolves around Micro Leasing and the feasibility of adopting the practice here at MiCredito. It’s all very interesting stuff and today Veronica and I are meeting with someone from HSBC who has a lot of experience in the field. What’s even more interesting is that if this project is given the go-ahead it will allow MiCredito to work with Prodemur (Keith’s operation). That said, when Veronica hasn’t needed me, I’ve been helping Keith and Ben in the development of a sensitivity analysis that analyzes how farmers would benefit under such a scheme.

Before I sign off I should quickly mention that I’ll be fortunate enough to attend my very first live Boxing experience on Friday. As many of you know, boxing along with baseball are the two most popular sports in Nicaragua. Why I feel so fortunate to be attending the fights on Friday is because the newest in a long line of elite Nicaraguan Boxers, Roman “El Chocolate” Gonzalez, is fighting in the main event. I’ll keep you posted.

Hasta el proximo!


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Superbowl Sunday

There are days when I miss home, and there are days when I don’t. There are times when the reasons I miss home are apparent - perogie and cabbage roll withdrawal - and times when the reasons are unclear. On the other hand, there are times when it is crystal clear why I don’t miss home such as the day when it was -55 in Regina and +30 here in Managua. Or, when my family and friends have to pump themselves up to step outside in order to start their vehicles all while I’m contemplating if now is a good time to cool off in the pool of to catch a few more rays. So, you see, these are the strenuous decisions I have to make on a daily basis. Moving on….

In order to grow and expand Micredito has been on the lookout lately for new funds which has increased my workload substantially. My boss, Veronica, or as I like to call her Superwoman, has been educating me on the ins and outs of Microfinance management. To be honest, I sometimes wonder how she handles all that is on her plate. Not only is she commanding the Micredito ship -- along with Co-captain Junior and first mate Octavio --, she’s also taking English classes before and after work, putting up with my relentless questioning and on top of all this, she’s a mother and wife. Wow! ‘When does she sleep?’ is the question I most often ask myself. I’m extremely grateful to be learning the ropes under someone as intelligent, dedicated and as sweet as Veronica. There is no way to put a value on what I’ve been able to learn and accomplish both personally and professionally working with this Management group.

Something very bizarre happened on Sunday. As you all know this past Sunday was the all-important Superbowl XLII, but what you don’t all know is why it was bizarre. Let me explain. After watching numerous Superbowls from the comfort of my own or a friend’s home (comfort being defined as in a home with a heater while it’s a million below zero outside) it was truly unusual to find myself watching the game outside, on a patio and wearing shorts. My body simply had no idea how to react. After years of conditioning by means of indoor nacho eating my body began to reject anything it was used to doing inside that I was now doing outside. It was completely bizarre. That said, the game was fabulous, one of the best in recent memory – truly a “David and Goliath” type situation with David conquering the heavily favoured goliath. Furthermore, I’ll have to give my fellow intern and Giants superfan, Scott props for the big win on Sunday. First my Riders and now your G-men, what’s next???????