Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Today marks exactly 3 months in Nicaragua. It also marks the expiration of my visa. – I should probably take care of that. Whoa, it’s truly incomprehensible how fast time has passed and all credit goes to a wonderful posting, a fantastic country and amazing people around me at all times. That said, I’m going to quickly rattle off a short highlight list of the first 3 months in Nicaragua:
5) Caballo Vayo (spelling?) This Nicaraguan dish consists of tender, marinated pieces of pork, chicken and beef; tortillas and various condiments are provided. The real fun begins by testing out different combinations of meat and condiments.
4) Laguna de Apoyo (See Photo): Ever watched ‘The Blue Lagoon’? Well, if you have or haven’t trapped inside a volcanic crater, on the outskirts of Masaya lies a carbon copy with incredibly warm, clear, blue water.
3) My upcoming weekend getaways to San Juan del Sur and The Corn Islands. Google them. Enough said.
2) The People: The warmth and friendliness offered by Nicaraguans is something I’ve never found in all my travels. Always willing to lend a hand, get you on your way and constantly looking out for you safety, the people of Nicaragua are second to none.
1) Managua: When I told people that I got an internship in Managua, the reactions I received ranged from ‘Managua? Why?’ to ‘The only reason I spent time in Managua was to make my way to Grenada’. However, I’ve learned to love this city, the people and the country. The city is incredibly green, the people are incredibly warm and the culture is something to be seen.
Congrats to Shannon who was able to pull off the final semester of her MA while working….in a foreign country!!!!!! I have no idea how she did it. I’m proud of you Shannon!!!!!

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